Discover Golf


How can I correct a slice or a hook?

To correct a slice or a hook, it’s important to understand the causes of these ball flight patterns. For a slice, work on closing the clubface at impact and promoting an in-to-out swing path. For a hook, focus on maintaining a more neutral or slightly open clubface and an out-to-in swing path. Consult with a golf professional for specific advice tailored to your swing.

How can I fix an inconsistent ball striking issue?

To address inconsistent ball striking, focus on your setup and alignment, ensuring your body, clubface, and feet are aligned properly. Work on maintaining a consistent swing plane and tempo, and practice good body rotation to promote solid contact with the ball.

How can I tell if my golf swing is in trouble?

There are several signs that may indicate your golf swing is in trouble, such as inconsistent ball striking, lack of distance, excessive slicing or hooking, poor accuracy, or discomfort or pain during or after your swing. Paying attention to these signs can help identify areas for improvement.

How can I fix an overly flat swing plane?

If you have an overly flat swing plane, work on maintaining a more upright posture during the setup and keeping your arms in front of your body. Practice a more controlled takeaway, ensuring the clubhead stays on a more upward path.

How can I fix an overly steep swing plane?

If you have an overly steep swing plane, try focusing on a shallower takeaway and keeping the clubhead more in front of your body during the backswing. This can be achieved by using your body rotation and maintaining a relaxed grip to prevent excessive wrist hinge.

How can I ensure my club is on the correct swing plane?

To ensure your club is on the correct swing plane, it’s important to focus on your setup and takeaway. Start by aligning your body, clubface, and feet parallel to the target line. During the takeaway, keep the clubhead on a plane that matches your shoulder turn, neither too flat nor too steep.

How can I maintain a consistent tempo in my golf swing?

Tempo refers to the timing and rhythm of the swing. Developing a consistent tempo is important for a smooth and repeatable swing. One effective method is to count a specific rhythm or phrase in your head during the swing, such as “one-two” or “tick-tock.” Practicing with a metronome can also help establish a consistent tempo.

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