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Why Is Swinging Over The Top Bad?

Swinging over the top of the golf ball is common for average golfers. The problem is the upper body is tensed up because you are trying to explode the swing through impact on the downswing. The club is swung outside of the intended swing plane at a steep angle with your arms pushing away from your body and the club approaches the ball from the top, outside in. Swinging from the top will usually cause a big slice.

Swinging over the top is a common golfing mistake that plagues many players, especially beginners. It occurs when the golfer’s club path is outside the swing plane, and the clubhead approaches the ball from an over-the-top position, causing the dreaded slice shot. Swinging over the top is a problem that is prevalent in golfing, and many players find it challenging to correct. This article will discuss why swinging over the top is a bad playing golf, its causes, and how to correct it.

What is Swinging Over the Top?

Swinging over the top refers to the clubhead’s path, which travels outside the intended swing plane on the downswing, resulting in an over-the-top position. An over-the-top position is when the clubhead approaches the ball from outside the target line and across the swing plane. This swing fault results in a slice shot or a pull shot with a loss of distance, direction, and accuracy.

Causes of Swinging Over the Top

Several factors contribute to swinging over the top, including poor setup, grip, and body positioning. The most common cause is an incorrect swing path, which results from an early release of the hands and arms on the downswing. Other factors that cause swinging over the top include a reverse pivot, a weak grip, and an open clubface.

Why is Swinging Over the Top Bad Playing Golf?

Swinging over the top is bad playing golf because it results in several negative effects that affect the golfer’s performance. The following are some reasons why swinging over the top is bad playing golf:

Loss of Distance: Swinging over the top results in a loss of distance because the clubhead’s approach angle is steep, resulting in a downward strike that imparts backspin on the ball. This imparts a negative effect on the ball’s trajectory and reduces its distance.

Loss of Direction: Swinging over the top results in a loss of direction because the clubface is open at impact, causing the ball to slice or pull.

Inconsistent Ball Striking: Swinging over the top leads to inconsistent ball striking because the clubhead’s approach angle is different from the intended swing plane, making it challenging to hit the ball consistently.

Difficulty in Hitting Certain Shots: Swinging over the top makes it difficult to hit certain shots, such as draws and fades, because it is challenging to control the clubface’s angle and the swing path.

How to Correct Swinging Over the Top

Swinging over the top is a common problem in golfing, but it can be corrected through practice and proper technique. Here are some tips on how to correct swinging over the top:

Proper Setup: Ensure that you have a proper setup by aligning your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line.

Correct Grip: Ensure that you have a proper grip by positioning your hands correctly on the club.

Use the Correct Swing Path: To avoid swinging over the top, use the correct swing path by initiating the downswing with the lower body and keeping the arms and hands close to the body.

Maintain a Square Clubface: Maintain a square clubface by keeping your hands ahead of the ball at impact, and the clubface square to the target line.

Practice: Practice consistently to develop muscle memory and improve your swing mechanics.


Swinging over the top is a common golfing mistake that results in negative effects on the golfer’s performance. The article has discussed why swinging over the top is bad playing golf, its causes, and how to correct it. By implementing the tips discussed in this article, golfers can correct this common swing fault and improve their performance on the golf course.

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